

For 4 persons
Cooking time: 1 hour
½ kg medium-fat sheep kidney bed, shank or arm shovel
2 cups water
2 tablespoons clarified butter
2 onions (ring-chopped)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tea spoon salt


Wash the meats and put them in the fire with the water. Take the foam that has accumulated on it, filter it out.  Fry in the clarified butter and place to the pot. Fry the ring chopped onions in the oil where the meat fried. Add two water glass of broth and add salt. Cook in light heat till little water remains.
If desired, the meat can be roasted with yogurt.

Stew is first seen in the Sogd language, which is the neighbor of the Turks located in Central Asia in the form of "yhnyy", meaning boiled meat (Ögel 4.1978: 341) Yahni is a dish mentioned in Dede Korkut Stories. , Onions and spices are added to the dish in Anatolian Seljuk period.
